Thursday, July 19, 2012

Tea Party Reformers Self-Destruct

This has been an awesome week, for those who actually want some sanity and decency in the world. As I said yesterday, Tea Party rabble-rouser Rush Limbaugh is getting globally laughed at, for his ridiculous claim that The Dark Knight Rises is a Democrat propaganda piece, because the villain is named Bane (nevermind that the character was created almost 20 years ago, and put into the movie long before Romney's business history became an issue). Today, there were even more setbacks for the far-right of North America.

In my home and native land, the Harper Conservatives have lost a Federal Court case, to stop some of last year's election results from being overturned. The government tried to say that -- despite several close ridings, which the Cons won, being targeted by illegal and deceptive robocalls on Election Day -- the case had no merit, just because it was brought about by a left-wing lobby group called the Council of Canadians. As usual, the far-right loves to think that just because it's being severely criticized by somebody, it means that their critics have some sort of bias. No, nevermind all of the evidence tying the Conservatives to these calls, like the cell phones bought by their staffers, the cheques that went to robocall companies, and simply their obnoxious attitude towards the idea of a stolen election, NOOOOO the Council of Canadians is just a bunch of blithering sore losers with nothing better to do than stop Harper's Holy Crusade to "save" Canada.

Further south, former Tea Party presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann recently set off a firestorm, when she claimed that the Muslim Brotherhood has somehow infiltrated the State Department, up to the highest levels (and apparently endangered the life of Secretary Hilary Clinton, when she visited Egypt soon afterwards). Leaving aside that a statement like this, is almost like saying that a Klansman can blend into Nigeria, this gross act of slander and borderline treason has actually earned the ire of other Republicans. Even John McCain and Chris Christie -- two staunch conservatives, these days -- are saying that she's basically lost her mind.

You know it's funny, this time last year I almost took up drinking, because I thought that North America was really going to be destroyed by these lunatics and psychopaths, but every time I turn around it looks like they're just imploding.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rush Limbaugh vs. The Dark Knight Rises

...Ok, what in the fuck??

Conservatives aren't even trying, anymore. Rush Limbaugh has come out attacking THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (opening this Friday), claiming that -- because the villain is named Bane -- it is Democrat propaganda, aimed at smearing Mitt Romney.

We'll leave aside for a moment, that Romney's refusal to disclose his tax records, and his deception for how long he was at Bain & Company, are well-known facts -- and hammering Romney over them is not in any way shape or form, a campaign of hate-mongering lies. Limbaugh's claim is so fucking ridiculous that it shows why he's hemorrhaging listeners more and more every day.

For one thing, Romney's time at Bain wasn't even controversial, until about a week ago -- WHEN THE MOVIE WAS COMPLETELY FINISHED. For those of you who weren't following TDKR's development, the idea to use Bane as the villain, came about TWO YEARS AGO, and was immediately made public. Furthermore, Bane wasn't even invented for this film; as any Batman fan knows, the character first appeared in 1993 (and in fact has appeared on the big-screen before, in 1997's infamous Batman & Robin). Despite being relegated into a mindless thug in the latter film, the character has always been very popular, making him a logical choice for inclusion in The Dark Knight Rises.

Therefore, in order for Limbaugh's conspiracy theory to have ANY SENSE WHATSOEVER, not only would someone in the Obama White House had to have tipped off Christopher Nolan et al, that A) Mitt Romney was going to be the Republican presidential candidate, and that B) they were going to hammer him over his business history, LONG BEFORE ROMNEY WAS EVEN CONSIDERED AS A NOMINEE... but Obama would have had to somehow influence DC Comics about this decision JUST AS ROMNEY WAS ENTERING POLITICS AT ALL. AND have the incredible precision to have this major Hollywood movie come out at the exact moment that the shit had hit the fan, over the scandal.

So either Rush Limbaugh and his handlers think that his fans are the stupidest human beings on the planet, or the man himself has completely lost his mind. I'll leave it to you, to decide which it is.